Sunday, September 10, 2017


I miss blogging, I miss crafting on a regular basis!!
Almost two years ago I sat in a hospital with my best friend as she was told she had cancer. I will never forget the feeling of total devistation that ran through my mind and body. She was diagnosed with stage 3b cervical cancer. I won't go into details but the next 11 months were so hard for her, for all of us that love her. She lost her battle in November of 2016 . My Husband and I are raising her little boy, he has always been a big part of our he IS our lives. We have raised 6 kids between us and are basically starting over. He has been with us since October 2016 and we have pretty much gotten a great routine down.

Crafting has always been a big passion for me but I put it on the back burner when Donna was diagnosed. Often when I'd walk into my craft room I'd have such a sadness come over me, she was my crafting partner, my crafting sister and I actually felt lost in my own craft room.  Lately though, when I walk into that room I start to feel the familiar excitement and all of the lovely supplies are starting to make me smile again.

Lilman wanted to join football so we signed him up for pee wee and he is loving it. We bought him jerseys , special socks, and an under armor bag that he wanted and I actually cut some htv and put his name and number on them. It felt great!

I realize that my heart is healing and I'm ready to enjoy crafting once again.

It's funny how life works...when my 17 yr old Son was killed in '94 I dove into crafting to keep me sane...this time the thought of crafting made me sad. Go figure!

Thanks for listening.


  1. Thanks for sharing... hopefully there will come a day when crafting brings back the good memories with Donna.

  2. Oh Michelle. I feel you...I lost my best friend too in 2013. I didn't know you were raising your bestie's son...WOW! Of course you can't have no time. You are a blessing to them both, and I know he blesses you! I am amazed by you, and hope some day you will get your hands dirty, but until then the memories you are making now is all that is important. Blessings to you.
